Sunday, October 18, 2015

Divorce don't think it can happen to you...I didn't think it would happen to me and when it did, it took my breathe away. You tell yourself every day that its ok and you are fine and you put on a smile for you, your kids, friends, co-workers, people you walk past on the streets, but the truth is I will always wonder could I have done more, was it that bad, I romanticize my hurt and eventually realizing I did everything I could, if I stayed Ijust would have had more bullet holes and band aids. Every moment is a struggle I am plagued,  alone with my thoughts replaying my marriage over and over and trying to pinpoint exactly when it went downhill...hell the truth is it was downhill before we said "I DO", but you think it will all work out and we can make it and I am not one to love easy so when I fell...I fell hard, I hit my head on the way down. It has been a year since I knew it was over, I would look at him in his eyes and no longer see the man I had been in love with for 10 years, the man who I stood before our family and friends and recited the vows that I just knew would carry us through the storms, the man who I had a beautiful baby girl with, the man who I used to feel safe with, I thought he would no longer hold back and would allow me to love him the way I always had; it has been a few months since we separated and divorced. Me in one house and him in the house we once raised our family. When going through everything, I will I get through this...the constant arguing, no intimacy, feeling like I am sharing space with my roommate and not my mate.

 I started boxing and felt SO powerful, untouchable, strong, confident...everything I didn't feel in my marriage. It was then I knew, this is how I am going to get through this, I am going to workout. I am going to pick up these weights and gloves and every hateful, disappointed, sadness, angry feeling I have, I'm going to put into this. Divorce was an option, me losing my power was not!

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

New Beginnings

...and so it begins today, I decided to start blogging about my past five years and my new beginnings. As I dropped my 4 year old daughter off at school, I sat in my car and screamed for a good 30 seconds...FML!!!!!!!!! How did I end up here I asked myself...just 3 years ago I thought I was happily married to this man who loved me and my now 17 year old son (that's right I have a 4yr old and a 17 yr old...FML!!!!!) And now I am a single mother all over again. You may wonder what the hell does this have to do with #blackgirlzsweat2...well working out has been my saving grace and the reason I haven't gone all 
its that moment when you realize I better get to praying more and releasing some of this frustration before I go all KILL BILL on a ninja! So that's when #blackgirlzsweat2 came into. There is a misconception that black girlz don't sweat, but that's just what it is, we workout, we go HARD IN THE GYM! Lol! 
Last year after working on my marriage, trying to make it work I realized I needed to leave, I was falling apart from the inside-out. I was gaining weight and so much more,  I was praying for God to change my situation. I realized that my marriage was not going to get better, in fact it was getting I left. I decided I better start working out again 4 days/wk doing weight lifting, walking, spinning and boot-camp. I was a size 6... 4 yrs ago and now I was a solid 12...O HELLZ NAW!. It has been hard work ...I am now a size 8, I feel good, look good and the struggle is real.
Check in to read about my inconsistent eating habits, workout classes to attend, my life struggles and my new........DATING LIFE!!...Ok well dating life might be taking it too haven't done that in years...what if I'm horrible at it, I DO talk alot, I'm on 10 all day, I'm 37 and the list goes on!!!!! Let the Journey begin.....

My new beginning , my new life, my new chapter!

"Teach me to live this moment only, looking neither to the past with regret, nor the future with apprehension.  Roseann Alexander-Isham